Pulselight’s software help state agencies comply with federal regulations and audits.
This includes the CMS Access Rule, the HCBS Quality Measure Sets, the Older Americans Act Final Rule, Money Follows the Person (MFP) Reporting Requirements, and HHS-OIG audits.
Our data analytics software, including Aura and Torch, empowers state agencies to meet and exceed rule provisions, ahead of schedule and under budget.
Pulselight implements policies, procedures, and security controls to comply with leading certifications. Click here to learn more about our security and privacy.
With Pulselight's data machine, interactive analytics, intelligent reports and actionable decision-support tools, Aura helps state meet the provisions of the Access Rule, including the Grievance Process, HCBS Quality Measure Set, Electronic Critical Incident Management, Person-Centered Planning, Access Reporting, Payment Transparency, and Payment Adequacy.
Aura's proprietary multi-source data ingest, interactive analytical tools, dynamic reporting capabilities and actionable decision-support tools enable states to comply with the HCBS Quality Measure Set and National Core Indicators designed to benchmark and track performance that supports quality improvement.
With advanced data analytics technology, Aura has tools designed specifically for aging and elder agencies. Contact us today to learn how Aura can help your agency comply with the Administration for Community Living's OAA Final Rule to help support the national aging services network.
Money Follows the Person (MFP) grant recipients are required to report Quality Measure Set items by fall 2026 for 2025 performance. Aura can help MFP states with MLTSS/LTSS measures with interactive, dynamic reports that can be generated in seconds.
With Trace, Pulselight helps states meet the mandate that requires states to implement Electronic Visit Verification Systems (EVV) for all Medicaid Personal Care Services (PCS) and Home Health Services (HHCS) that require an in-home visit by a provider.
As HHS-OIG expands their audits, from Medicaid fraud program integrity reviews to unreported critical incident reviews to facility conditions and licensing, Pulselight's products can provide the resources and tools to help states in meeting audit recommendations as well as corrective action plans (CAP).
Aura helps states meet the 2014 rule that requires states to have an effective incident management system for assuring waiver participant health and welfare, and that they continually identify, address, and seek to prevent instances of abuse, neglect, exploitation, and unexplained death.
Pulselight's Aura enable states to meet the 2020 rule that establishes policies that break down data barriers in the nation’s health system to enable better patient access to their health information, improve interoperability and unleash innovation, while reducing burden on payers and providers.
Pulselight's products are built for users of any technical skill level.
Answers when you need them, where you need them.
Our data analytics engine can integrate with any system and ingest any type of data.
From HIPAA to PHI/PII data to StateRAMP to access controls, security is always critical.
We love meeting with prospective clients and discussing how our products can help solve your specific needs.